New Balance

Bromsgrove · 01527 864360
Belfast · 02890 469112
Warrington · 01925 242252
London · 01992 444108

New Balance Athletic Shoe best known as simply New Balance, is an American footwear manufacturer based in the Brighton neighbourhood of Boston, Massachusetts USA.

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The Challenge

UBI Ltd was successfully appointed by New Balance to project manage and deliver the move management of approximately 200 staff from 2 floors in their existing office Warrington, and from 3 floors in their existing office in Wilmslow into newly refurbished office space at Birchwood Boulevard.

Our Solution

Through several discussions with New Balance it soon became apparent that UBI Ltd could offer an enormous benefit, ensuring a smooth transition of filing, personal crates itemised products and IT from their existing buildings into the newly refurbished office at Birchwood Boulevard. We provided assistance with pre and post move briefings to fact find and to allow us to follow a critical programme ensuring that downtime was kept to a minimum. Move Management, meticulous planning and flexibility was vital to enable the project to be complete on time and within budget. Regular project management meetings and close liaison with the customer allowed us to keep aware of the project and to highlight critical routes and also enabled us to react to change where and when necessary, thus allowing us to keep ahead of the project as it progresses. UBI Ltd completed on time and within budget. UBI Ltd also managed the removal and recycle of New Balance’s redundant furniture and office waste from both the Warrington and the Wilmslow office we then complemented with a full floor clean.

Customer Feedback

Kay Cottriall, Office Manager, New Balance

“UBI’s skill and expertise made the move from our 2 offices located in Wilmslow and Warrington to our new premises in Birchwood seamless, everything went to plan! UBI’s advice, communication, organisation and teamwork was first class, from the first meeting to the actual move, everyone knew exactly what they had to do”.